Vibration Energy Harvesting Devices

internet of things

· Internet of things devices enjoy the use of the vibration energy harvesting technology. This technology got discovered by the University of Waterloo.

· The implementation of the technology into the energy industry faces various challenges. These challenges should resolve to ensure the proper adoption pf the technologies.

IoT is a network or a group of various devices that can share and exchange data over an internet connection. Such devices include sensors, monitors, electronic devices and software. They work in applications like smart homes, industrial automation, healthcare, transportation and agriculture. The IoT devices use energy from sources such as batteries and other external sources. Such sources are expensive to maintain and rely on for powering the Internet of Things. University of Waterloo researched for decades the new material that converts any good vibrations into electric charge. This power then powers the Internet of Things.

Overhead line connector links and combines electrical conductors to create power transmission systems. The devices also protect the fiber optic cable and conductor from breaking. Overhead line connector also connects other fittings used on the transmission lines. They include devices like coupling fitting, parallel groove clamp, suspension clamps and yoke.

Internet of things devices that enjoy vibrations energy harvesting

Vibration energy harvesting technology benefits the Internet of Things devices. The technology also helps to reduce maintenance costs and environmental impacts. Vibration energy harvesting also benefits the consumers by increasing the convenience for them. Overhead line connectors have a high mechanical strength that distributes the overhead load. The various IoT devices dependent on the vibration energy are as follows.

1. Asset tracking devices

Internet of Things asset tracking devices work in logistics and transportation. The energy helps to power their GPS sensors which ensure that the devices are always powered. This also ensures they are able to provide accurate location data.

2. Smart sensors

IoT sensors track temperature, humidity and other environmental factors in buildings or factories. The use of the technology reduces the use of batteries and ensure the sensors are always powered. Overhead line connectors are from materials that resist rust and corrosion for durability.

3. Smart locks

Most IoT smart locks use Bluetooth or other wireless protocols to unlock doors. The devices benefit through the use of energy conversion by the new found materials. This would ensure that the sensors are always with power and able to respond to the user commands.

4. Wearable devices

Wearable devices include smartwatches, fitness trackers and other devices. These devices could use the energy to power their sensors and quality displays. Such technology ensures the devices are more convenient for users. Overhead line connectors are also hot dip galvanized to apply in weather conditions. These may include high temperatures, strong winds and ice load.

smart lighting systems

5. Smart lighting systems

Smart lights use IoT technology to adjust lighting levels. The levels may get based on tenancy and daylight levels and other factors. These lights could enjoy using the vibration energy harvesting technologies. These lights can work in hospitals, schools, stadiums and other areas that need much light.

Challenges facing the vibration technologies

Vibration energy harvesting has great potential to power IoT devices. The technology faces various challenges and limitations. The University of Waterloo should progress the research development to find solutions to the challenges. This would ensure smooth adoption and operability in the new market. Overhead line connectors work with other fittings such as washers, screws and nuts. These fittings ensure safe and secure connections. The challenges are as discussed below.

· Dependence on physical movement

Vibration energy harvesting need physical movement to generate power. This means that the device need to be in constant movement to generate power.

· Limited power output

The technology generates low power levels compared to other sources. This means that the amount of energy that can harvest may be insufficient to power the IoT devices.

· Initial cost

Developing and installation of the harvesting systems costs are high. This is especially for devices that need high power output. This makes it difficult to justify the use of energy harvesting technology in IoT devices.

· Compatibility

IoT devices may use a variety of different wireless communication protocols which make it difficult to integrate energy harvesting system into the devices. The systems need to compare with the communication protocol used by the IoT device. The connection ensures that the data transmits .