UK’s Climate plan Roadmap to Net-Zero

· UK’s climate plan includes various measures in that face the impacts of climate change in the UK.

· The plan uses renewable energy to promote the green energy transition.

Britain Climate Change Act has the world’s first binding national commitment. It aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This UK Act requires governments to set legally binding carbon targets. This involves a five-year cap on total greenhouse emissions. This aims to meet the UK’s emission reduction commitment caps. The act ensures that the country moves away from the use of fossil fuels. This is mostly the use of coal-fired power plants to renewable energy sources. Technologies that promote this movement include nuclear power, wind and solar power. Others include carbon capture and storage. Such Acts are set a decade away to enable them to develop the necessary policies and regulations.

Electric poles are tall wooden poles used to support telephone wires, electrical wires. They also support overhead wire, cable, fiber optic cable, transformers and street lights. Electric poles divide into three categories that include tangent distribution, guyed distribution and self-supporting distribution poles. They can be wooden, concrete or steel depending on the area of application.

Adaptation measures to address the impacts of climate change in the UK

UK’s climate plan includes a range of measures to help the country adapt to the impacts of climate change. The UK also focus on facing other impacts of climate change. The plan aims to solve the challenges of flooding and heatwaves. The plan also includes the carbon pricing which puts price on the carbon emissions to incentivize businesses and individuals to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Businesses that emit more than a certain amount of greenhouse gases will need to buy emissions allowances. Carbon pricing will apply to power generation, industries and aviation. Electric poles enable the installation of various devices to ensure productivity of the lines. They are from materials resistant to rust and corrosion. Some of these measures in the UK climate change are as follows:

1. Flooding defenses

UK experiences frequent flooding over the past decade with the climate change playing a significant role in the frequency of it. The government commits to investing 5.2 billion Euros in flood defenses over the next 6 years.

2. Green spaces

Green spaces also help in reducing the effects of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. The climate plan includes a commitment to plant trees to help mitigate the climate change. Trees also help in cooling and flood management in the region.

3. Community engagement

The plan includes a commitment to develop community engagement strategy to ensure that the most vulnerable populations are sufficiently protected. It includes working with local communities to develop flood rigidity plans, improving access to green spaces and promoting the use of green roofs and walls in urban areas.

Importance of building energy efficiency in the UK’s climate plan

Buildings in the country are responsible for more than 40% of UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. This is primarily through heating and cooling in the buildings. The UK’s climate plan includes measures to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. This helps to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce energy bills for households and businesses. Electric poles have great tensile and mechanical strength which help them to distribute the weight of the overhead devices to prevent them from falling. The measures for building efficiency in the climate plan are as follows:

· Energy efficiency standards

Introducing energy efficiency standards for rental properties could help in mitigating the climate change. It states that from 2025 all rental properties will need to meet a minimum energy performance certificate rating.

· Upgrading energy efficiency for social houses

The commitment to upgrade the social housing energy efficiency will help to reduce energy bills for some of the most vulnerable households in UK. Electric poles carry high voltages for over long distances up to 115KV.

· Renewable energy

It also includes plan to promote the use of renewable energy sources in buildings. These includes the use of solar panels and heat pumps in households to reduce energy bills. Thijs will help to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels for heating. It also includes a commitment to promote the development of a market for green mortgages which offer incentives for homeowners.
