China’s Impact in the global Oil market

Russia's pipeline supply of crude oil
Russia’s pipeline supply of crude oil

· China’s oil demand affects the global oil market by the sudden increase or decrease in the oil prices.

· China is one of the biggest greenhouse gases producers which have various environmental impacts including health.

China is the second largest economy country in the world regarding the growing economy of the country. It is also the leading importer of oil and natural gas in the world. China has become dependent on the imported oil especially after the rising demand after the economy reopening. This has made energy security to be a struggle in the country and they are investing in different areas to enhance energy security in the country. This is through investing in renewable energy, oil infrastructure and establishing policies that ensure energy production. The domestic production of oil has also developed which reduces the dependence on the foreign oil in the oil market.

Overhead line connector mostly combines the electrical conductor to the ADSS or OPGW cable segments to create power transmission systems. They also protect the fiber optic cable and conductor from breaking during and after installation. overhead line connector devices include dead end clamp, extension link fitting, parallel groove clamp, suspension clamp, yoke, spacer and damper. They apply to environments where the cable is likely to expose to extreme weather conditions. These weather conditions include high temperatures, strong winds and ice load.

China’s role in the global oil market

China has a big role to play in the global oil market as they are the largest consumers of oil and its products. The country also has a large refining capacity and significant oil imports. Oil is a necessity for the growing economy which makes it the second largest economy in the world. This is particularly in the transportation and manufacturing sector. China imports around 11.8 million barrels per day which makes an impact in the global market. Overhead line connector should be from materials that are resistant to rust and corrosion. The following are the ways that China affects the global oil market:

1. Oil supply

The growing demand for the oil affect the global market as the demand leads to more competition from other importers. This makes the prices to go higher or impact the availability of the oil in the world.

2. Refining capacity

China has a high refining volume that makes it able to process significant amounts of crude oil into refined products. These products can then work domestically or exported to other countries.

Crude oil Shipment to China

3. Oil prices

The growing demand of oil in China eventually contribute to the changing prices of oil in the global market. This increase or decrease may affect the prices significantly.


Most of China’s oil imports come from the Middle East countries led by the OPEC countries. The increased demand for OPEC oil can impact the production and pricing decisions.

5. Investment in infrastructure

China has been investing in the oil infrastructure such as in pipelines, refineries and storage facilities to secure the supply of oil. This has increased the influence of development in the global oil market.

6. China’s global relationships

The relationships with other major oil producers such as Iran and Russia have also impacted the global oil market.

Environmental concerns from China’s oil supply

Oil supply have a significant impact to the environment both locally and globally. The efforts to reduce the dependence of foreign oil in China leads to the use of cleaner energy sources. These sources help to reduce the effects of waste released to the environment. Overhead line connectors are simple and easy to install due to their simple design and structure. Below are the environmental concerns from China’s oil supply.

· Water pollution – this is from the extraction, transportation and refining of oil that leads to water pollution through spills and leaks.

· Climate change – climate change is from the emissions released from burning fossil fuels which affects wildlife, ecosystems and human societies in the world. This is also because China is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

· Air pollution – the emissions of greenhouse gases has caused major health issues in the country. China has some highest levels of air pollution in the world from the burning of fossil fuels.

· Environmental damage from oil exploration – the exploration activities in sensitive areas such as offshore drilling and shale gas development have significant environmental impacts.

· Marine life – oil spills have a significant impact on the marine life this includes animals such as marine mammals, fish and sea birds.