How the Green Economy Contribute to the World Cup?

The FIFA World Cup 2022 is set to be held in Qatar which has very high temperatures. The stadiums are supposed to be adequate for use in all seasons and this is expected to be a hot or warm season in Qatar. To manage the heat during the World Cup, research was started in Qatar’s University back in 2015. The technology used will make the stadium the largest open air stadium to in the world to be cooled. The cooling technology is expected to lower energy consumption and keep the fans and the players comfortable regardless of the temperatures.

It is using the technique of pushing cold air to the chilled water in pipeline and it is pushed to the player field and the spectator area. The water is taken from an energy center around the stadium. The cooling system uses cooling nozzles that are designed in Qatar and made of plastic movable parts that enable the air to be pushed to where it is required.

The cooling system is intelligent and can be swayed to temperatures to the optimal conditions for the amount of spectators in the stadium. The temperature on the spectator seating side is expected to be 26 degree centigrade.

The power pole hardware is required to complete the connection of the light poles and towers used in the light distribution of a field. They include suspension clamps, guy clamps, anchor rods, secondary rack and secondary clevis. The smart grid technology may also be applicable in the future of energy in football stadiums.

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How World Cup can Contribute to the Green Economy

The organizing committee of such big event has only one goal which is to make the most out the event. They may integrate the use of raw materials and resources of energy that are recyclable such as the solar panels. The event can interfere in the community which in turn harms the environment. The natural resource such as water are used up during the event and also has power to alter the existing structures and patterns towards a green economy.

  • The world cup will bring more opportunities to openly discuss about pollution and work towards solving it.
  • The event will bring up education and training on how to use resources more efficiently.
  • The government and organizing committees get a chance on how to invest on a greener economy.
  • The world cup will also lead to purchase of more power pole hardware to help in improving the experience for viewers.

How the Green Industry Benefits from the Event

There are many ways that an event such as the World Cup can merit the economy of the host country. Power pole hardware is used for the support of aerial construction components in the overhead lines. They help to ensure that the conductors and insulators are protected from the harsh weather conditions.

  • The events help to increase the business awareness opportunities such as the cooling systems in Qatar.
  • They are seen as a tourist attraction for sustainable sites.
  • They increase the sensitivity to the environment and biodiversity.
  • They also help in improving the international relations of the country in business.

Energy in the Arab Region

  • The Arab region enjoys impressive renewable resources as it has installed hydroelectric power capacity of 10683MW.
  • The region also benefits from the wind speeds in the area that makes the wind power generation efficient.
  • The region also benefits from the most energy intensive sunlight through the use of solar panels. Solar energy is used in applications such as water pumping, telecommunications and lighting in remote areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where is the next world cup being held?
A. World Cup 2022 will be held in Qatar on the 20th November, 2022 to December 18, 2022.

Q. What is the most signaled event in Qatar 2022?
A. Qatar has taken the advantage of the publicity it has received from the hosting of the World Cup to introduce the first open air stadium cooling system in the world.

Q. What power pole hardware is used in lighting the stadiums?
A. Suspension clamps, guy clamps, anchor rods and secondary racks are some of the examples of hardware used on light poles in stadiums.